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Posts Tagged ‘plarl’

PLARL: Roguelike Celebration talk

The Roguelike Celebration is an annual mini-conference on roguelike games and procedural content, currently in its fourth year. I’ve gone the past three years and its always wonderful- highly recommended.

This year, I was lucky enough to get to present a short talk on my 3d-printable roguelike, “PLARL” (short of the poly-latcic acid roguelike). The talk (along with all the other, even better talks given by other contributors), is up on youtube and viewable here:

Also, if you’d like to see the slides from the talk, they’re available here:

Also also, I have all of the code for both the OpenSCAD model generation and the JS-based maze generation available on github here:

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PLARL: maze generation

I’ve been continuing to work on my 3d-printable roguelike, and in order to do that, I needed a way to generate mazes. OpenSCAD is a bit annoying to work with for general programming, so I instead opted to write the maze generation in javascript and export data into the OpenSCAD file.

The maze generation is based on Jamis Buck’s excellent book, “Mazes for Programmers”. The numbers in the cells are there to indicate the contents of the rooms, which can either be monsters (which deal 1-6 points of damage) or food/potions (which heal 1-6 points of health). I kept it really simple on that front- just using numbers between 11-16 for damage and 21-26 for health regen, since all I needed was an easy way to pass the number and type into the OpenSCAD code.

The end result of the mazegen is a set of integer values representing the exists for each cell (each of the cardinal directions being represented by a unique power of 2 and added together), as well as for the contents. Those arrays are pasted into the OpenSCAD source to actually generate the level

To see the generation for yourself, head here:

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PLARL: the 3d printed roguelike (proof of concept)

This was a project to generate a 3d printable dungeon using OpenSCAD. To play the game, the player uses a screwdriver or similar to break away parts of the printed model, revealing additional information.

The result has multiple layers stacked on top of each other, with the bottom layer (red) consisting of the maze pattern, the middle layer (green) supporting iconography for things like monsters, and the top layer (blue) being the door. Both the blue and green layers break away.

To see a playthrough of an example level, check out this video:

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