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Posts from ‘November, 2004’

A* Algorithm animation

astar01I recently created a small animation for my algorithms class demonstrating the A* path finding algorithm. MEL was a huge help with the animation. I did a few tricky things that let me finish it very quickly, and I’ll likely be posting at least one of said tricks (the chasing-lights) in the Maya tidbits section soon.



Second-Person Shooter

This was a kind of game design one-liner- a second person shooter. Instead of “I shoot”, “You shoot”- the player selects a character that then shoots them. In the application, you select a character from a typical character-selection screen. That character then shoots you, the screen goes red, and the application starts over.

If you’d like to try it, you can download it here. Note that it’s all 2d (though implemented with OpenGL) and uses Quake3 characters.

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The city of the future

cVaultA friend of mine, Carl Pisaturo and I were talking this weekend about a novel idea he had with regards to city building. Carl was thinking that instead of building a city and then digging down for things like subways and etc, why not just create the holes first, by building the city on top of a gridwork of uniform prefabricated concrete forms, which would provide ample room for transportation, plumbing, etc, while leaving more of the above-ground space free for buildings and walkways.

I made a mockup of the form in Maya, with results at right. Click here to download a short animation (1.2 Megs) of a three-tiered foundation being built.
