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Posts Tagged ‘3d modeling’

Greeble Modeler: update #2

Lots more progress on my web-based parametric modeler for 3d-printable tech panels. I’ve added in two new feature types:

  • handles: similar to the kind of handles one sees on rack-mounted equipment, including configurable thickness and height from the surface
  • dials: the kind of indicator you might see on old equipment to provide voltage or other data

I’ve also added in the first steps towards a nicer UI in the right-hand side of the page, including swapping out the parameters based on the selected feature type.

See it in action for yourself here:

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Web-based parametric modeler: first steps

I’ve recently started working on a web-based parametric modeler for making 3d-printable panels full of greebles/nurnies using javascript and Three.JS. The general idea is to have a base shape and allow the user to draw rectangular sections that then get filled in with additional details.

Currently, the system supports beveled extrusions and arrays of buttons, but more feature types are on the way. To see it for yourself, head here:

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