Adrian Herbez Rotating Header Image

Posts from ‘October, 2011’


This was a little, one-night experimental project that grew out of poking around with the excellent Flash Devekop IDE. The result was a proto-game where a bunch of little doods wander around the screen. I added a couple of rules that, while not really making it a game, do make for a fun little system to poke at, namely:

  • If a given dood happens to find himself close to the mouse pointer, he will stay near it
  • If the mouse moves too quickly, the doods will lose it and disperse
  • If the user clicks, all of the doods under the mouse will be frozen (stop moving) for a period of time. Frozen doods are blue
  • The more doods that get frozen, the longer the duration of the freeze

All in all, it means that there’s a kind of proto-game to be had in moving the mouse around the screen slowly to gather doods and then clicking to freeze them in place. Definitely not a game, but kinda fun to play with.

To play with it yourself, head here. Also note that the graphic for the dood came from the always-awesome Open Game Art site.

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