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Posts Tagged ‘Lua’

Throwback: Virtual Graffiti

screen-shot-2016-09-14-at-12-45-38-pmThis was an experiment I worked on back when I was at Sony. While our team was working on the Playground space, one of my coworkers came across GML: Graffiti Markup Language. That seemed like an opportunity to me, so I implemented a minigame that would render a given GML file onto a screen within Home.

The implementation was fairly simple- just drew dots as found in the GML file, with lines to connect them. GML files also include time information, which makes it possible to have the result feel like it’s actually being drawn as the rate of drawing speeds up/slows down in response to the shapes being created.

See below for video of it in action.

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Corona SDK demo

corona demo screenshot I recently gave a workshop at the Academy of Art University on the CoronaSDK. After a brief overview of the Corona environment and the Lua scripting language, I led the attendees through the creation of a simple game.

The game demonstrates image loading, the use of display groups to offset rotation, simple physics, and dynamic text. It’s simple, but provides a decent introduction. If you’d like to download the files (images and source code), head here.

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Cryptogram solving interface

I recently started work on a mobile game for Android and iOS using the CoronaSDK (which I’m loving so far), and one of the mechanics in the game is the solving of cryptogram puzzles.

I just put together a first draft of what the cryptogram solving interface will look like. Features:

  • User can touch a letter to highlight all occurences of that letter in the ciphertext
  • User can (with a ciphertext letter higlighted) select a letter to replace it
  • The selected letter then appears over all occurrences of the ciphertext letter
  • The selected plaintext letter is greyed out to indicate that it has been used
  • Once all the letters have been filled in correctly, the app recognizes that the puzzle has been solved

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Corona SDK- first steps

I’ve started playing with the Corona SDK just recently. It looks to be a great way to develop games for both iOS and android devices, and (as a bonus) relies on Lua. Finished a simple demo last night, where a player character responds to a screen touch by walking over to the point indicated, playing one of four different directional walk cycles.

The code isn’t the cleanest, but it’s enough to let me start to get a feel for the way Corona deals with sprite sheets. All of the art assets were lifted from Open Game Art– an awesome resource for game demos.

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