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Posts Tagged ‘openGL’

Infinite Suburb

I’m currently working on an infinite city – an infinite urban dreamscape, implemented in OpenGL. So far I’ve got more of an infinite suburb (the developers haven’t moved in yet). Current feature list (not much, but a start):

  • On-the-fly generation of curb and street geometry, based on a random offset value for the placement of the intersection
  • Rudimentary user interaction- move forward/back, left/right, look left/right
  • Animated sky

Watch this space for updates and eventually, downloads

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Demented Jacks in Boxes

I just finished a new Virtual Puppet for the OmniCircus show, a Jack in the Box based on one of Frank Garvey’s paintings. He undulates back and forth, and can be made to bend forwards/backwards, left/right, and to twist to either side. His jaw is also controllable, allowing him to be made to laugh. Additionally, he can be multiplied, yeilding a forest of Jacks with each one slowing waving.

He was modeled in Maya, textured with Photoshop, and implemented/animated via an OpenGL program. The Jack program incorporates the opening doors that we’ve been using in the OmniCircus shows, and can switch back and forth between rendering the doors and rendering the Jacks.

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Tenement Demo

turnAn experimental approach to non-linear narrative, using an apartment building as a container for a number of interlocking narratives. The user is presented with a 3d building that can be rotated in either direction. A binocular-shaped icon can be used to zoom in on any one of the windows to observe the goings-on therein. The narratives are presented in hand-drawn panels done in a stark black and white style to call to mind silhouettes seen through a window shade.
Created using 3d Studio, Photoshop, and OpenGL.

start title turn win

Drawings of the room interiors.






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