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Posts under ‘teaching’

Stephenson Security

ssc_envelop I’m currently teaching an introduction to C++ for game programming at the Academy of Art University. Each week, I give the students an assignment to complete, but I wanted to do something extra fun for the midterm.

So instead of just a straight assignment, I set my students up as recent recruits to “Stephenson Security Consultants”, a shadowy organization that offers its services to the highest bidder.


Each student received a packet containing details on 4 “missions” to solve via C++, plus two bonus questions. If you’d like to try your hand at the problems, head here and type “download” into the prompt.

projects, teaching , ,

Corona SDK demo

corona demo screenshot I recently gave a workshop at the Academy of Art University on the CoronaSDK. After a brief overview of the Corona environment and the Lua scripting language, I led the attendees through the creation of a simple game.

The game demonstrates image loading, the use of display groups to offset rotation, simple physics, and dynamic text. It’s simple, but provides a decent introduction. If you’d like to download the files (images and source code), head here.

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Earthquake data viz demo

I just put together a small demo for the Experimental Interactivity class that I’m teaching this semester at the Academy of Art, and thought I’d post the result. It’s meant to demonstrate:

  • grabbing data from the web (in this case, a CSV file of recent earthquakes
  • altering the data to suit one’s needs (via PHP)
  • writing the data out as XML
  • reading XML into Flash

Pretty simple demo, but not bad for a few hours. All of the earthquakes in the past week are rendered on the map, with a dot that is scaled based on their magnitude. Moving the mouse from left to right across the map causes different quakes to become hidden or visible, depending on magnitude- move left to see small quakes, and right to see larger ones.

To see it in action, and to have a look at the source files (if you want), head here

projects, teaching ,

2-bit Graphics

This was a small application I put together in Flash for a class I was teaching in the basics of digital imagery. The app is meant to demonstrate how GIF images work, meant to illustrate that you can have any specific color(s) you want, but only four at a time.

Users can click on a square to cycle through the four colors available, and can select a color to change its RGB components, allowing them to create old-school, lowfi images. To play with it for yourself, either click on the image or go here.

projects, teaching

Maya 2, MEL scripting finals and feedback

So here we are at the end of the summer semester, both live and online. Since I wanted to give my (online) students as much time as possible to submit their projects, I gave them until the closing date of the course. As a result, it makes it impossible for me to offer feedback on the class site, so I’ll be posting it here:

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Maya 2 handouts online

I finally put all of the handouts for Maya 2 online as part of the new improved Maya site


Revised Maya site

I’ve updated my materials for my Maya students- while the revamped Maya 2 section is still on the way, the Maya 1 and MEL sections have been upgraded, and I’ve started on a “Maya tidbits” page, which has a variety of small examples I’ve created to demostrate one thing or another in response to a student question. This will continue to grow over time, but has a handful of examples so far.

The new Maya site is here

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65B: Final Projects on the web

Today’s the final crit for my Digital Multimedia class. I asked the students to create some form of game or interactive experience using Flash for their final project, with some excellent results. To see for yourself, check out the site I put together to showcase the students’ work


65B: Digital Multimedia Flash animations online

I asked the students in my digital multimedia class to produce a short Flash animation, and the results are posted here

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Digital Comics Galore

It’s finals week here at UCI, and my students in 65A: Basic Digital Imaging have started turning in their final project. I asked them to make a digital comic of at least four panels, and the results have been fantastic. Click here to see for yourself
